El Mar-Gabriel Alegria, Nuveo Mundo
Listen to Gabriel Alegria's El Mar and you're there. On a surfboard in the Pacific Ccean, staring out into the endless horizon. Listen to this song and the waves wash around you. Behind you 500ft up a cliff the 9million people of Lima worry about life, while you watch cormorants dip their small shiny black heads into the water and pop right back up all the while slowly sinking as their feathers soak up the salty water. A pelican smacks the water with reckless abandon, resurfacing with a fish wriggling in its giant gullet. Flocks of seagulls fly, lazily, overhead. The trumpet of Gabriel Alegria and the tenor sax of Laurandrea Leguia start this perfect day. Waves crawl up on the beach. The ground, covered in smooth round stones, lightly vibrates as pebbles rub against each other on the waters' retreat. Hugo Alcazar's cymbol lightly rings. Freddy "Huevito"Lobaton climbs up the cajon, and you sit on your board, wading through the bass and the guitar, Joseha Oetz and "Jocho" Velazquez. The red sun slowly sets on the Pacific, El Mar.